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Global Partners Law Firm represents athletes, artists, performers, and entertainers.
Athletes and Leagues
Our Sports and Entertainment Group works closely with professional sports leagues to proactively advise teams and athletes on immigration options and strategies. We assist owners and athletes in navigating the ever-changing U.S. and international immigration laws to ensure they remain in legal compliance.
Artists and Entertainers
We also represent actors, musicians, and artists seeking to enter the U.S. for events, competitions, and performances. Our legal experts have strong relationships with agents, agencies, and studios, and we are ready to assist you.
H-1B Visa (Specialty Occupations)
While not specifically for athletes, this visa can be used for certain professional athletes employed in a position requiring a high degree of specialized knowledge and a bachelor's degree or higher. Valid for up to three years and can be extended to a maximum of six years.
O-1A Visa (Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement)
For athletes who have demonstrated extraordinary ability in their field. Requires evidence of sustained national or international acclaim. The visa is initially granted for up to three years and can be extended.
P-1A Visa (Internationally Recognized Athlete)
For athletes coming to the U.S. temporarily to perform at a specific athletic competition as an individual or as part of a team at an internationally recognized level of performance. This visa is valid for the duration of the competition, up to a maximum of five years, and can be extended for another five years.
P-1B Visa (Member of an Internationally Recognized Entertainment Group)
While primarily for entertainers, this visa can also apply to athletes who are part of a group that is internationally recognized. The visa is valid for up to one year and can be extended in increments of up to one year.
P-2 Visa (Artist or Entertainer for Reciprocal Exchange Program):
For athletes participating in a reciprocal exchange program between an organization in the U.S. and an organization in another country. The visa is granted for the duration of the exchange program, up to one year, and can be extended in increments of up to one year.
P-3 Visa (Artist or Entertainer Coming to Be Part of a Culturally Unique Program):
For athletes who will perform, teach, or coach as part of a program that is culturally unique. The visa is valid for the duration of the program, up to one year, and can be extended in increments of up to one year.
B-1 / B2 Visa (Temporary Business Visitor)
B-1 Visa (Visitor)
For amateur athletes who are not paid to participate in events or competitions in the U.S. The B-1 visa is generally valid for up to six months, with possible extensions.
B-2 Visa (Tourist Visa)
For athletes participating in sporting events without receiving any salary or payment other than prize money. The B-2 visa is generally valid for up to six months.
EB-1 Visa (Employment-Based Immigration – First Preference)
For athletes with extraordinary ability seeking permanent residency. Requires evidence of one-time achievement (such as an Olympic medal) or sustained national or international acclaim. No job offer is required if applying under the extraordinary ability category.
Schedule a Case Evaluation
Our clients can easily schedule a virtual or physical consultation from anywhere in the world. Whether you prefer to meet in person or connect online, we are here to accommodate your needs and provide expert legal guidance, no matter your location.
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